First week, First project


The boot camp officially started on the 6th of June, 2022. We were finally added to our teams and given our first project:

"Create an app that allows users to sign in with Google or Facebook. Also, calculate the distance between two locations using the Google Maps API.

Bonus Points for collaborating with a UI/UX team for a design:slightly_smiling_face: (If you have a connection in any UI/UX team, it's time to use it)."

That was it, the first two days nothing ensued, we tried to rally ourselves but nothing was forthcoming until Tuesday evening. We were finally able to have a meeting via Google Meet, everybody got to know each other, tasks were delegated and work started immediately.

We paired ourselves, two to UI, two to authentication and two to API integration. The UI team had to work first and they finished their work by Thursday afternoon, the authentication team and integration team immediately picked up and the git hub repo was being updated hourly.

The deadline was at 3 pm Sunday and the whole team ensured to finish up the project. By the deadline, the project wasn't perfect but the team felt confident with what we had created and we all decided not to abandon the project but rather continue updating it till it became perfect.

This is the story of the first week at the side hustle portfolio boot camp and the team's first project.


Here is a screenshot of the written codes


Here is a screenshot of the app in action

The link to the project =>

The team members:

• Adegoke Habeeb; connect via

• Oreoluwa Ajao; connect via

• Lawrence Adeboye; connect via

• Victor Odoh; connect via

• Emmanuel Egbule; connect via

• Habeeb Makusota; connect via

• Noel Emmanuel; connect via